RCIA – Riti Cristiani Iniziati Adulti
If you wish to receive any sacraments, please speak with Rev. Fr. Azad who will be delighted to assist and advise you. Should you wish to have your child receive the sacrament of Holy Communion or Confirmation, please see Fr. Azad or one of the Catechists (Jamie, Liz Jack and Peter).
The First Holy Communion classes are after 10:30 am Mass on Sunday.
Seeking the faith
Anyone who wishes to have instruction to become a Catholic, please speak to Fr. Azad. The application forms are available.
If you wish to be baptised or have your child baptised in the church contact Fr. Azad who can assist you in your preparation for the reception of the sacrament. We now have the application form available from Fr. Azad.
Should you wish to get married in the church, please ask for help from Fr. Azad to fill in the application form. Useful information can be found on the form which is available on
Bible study group- parishioners & Readers
Please if you wish to have a look for guidance and preparation for Sunday reading, these are the recommended Sunday and feast day readings in 13 languages. ( , Sunday readings